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Welcome, I am Daniel Martz founder and call maker here at Thunder Struck Custom Calls. I take great pride in hand crafting each call I produce. I make sure every call has the proper tone quality and specs before it ever leaves the shop. This all started a few years back when I was not impressed with the the calls I had purchased in years past. The calls I had weren't producing the sound quality I was looking for. I took it upon myself to design my own custom calls. After a lot of trial and error, Thunder Struck Custom Calls started production in 2015. Fast forward to today and we have some pretty amazing calls. We offer custom handmade friction calls such as glass, slate and aluminum. As well as custom one piece strikers from exotic woods. I have chosen lumber with superior grain and quality for our calls.  Some of the lumber we use such as cherry, walnut, and Osage orange were all harvested off our family farm in central Missouri. I strive to hand craft the best custom calls for you at an affordable price that sound just as impressive as they look. I am always tinkering with making new calls trying to find that next great sound to add to our line of calls. Thank you for shopping with us here at Thunder Struck Custom Calls! 

From an idea in 2015 and bringing it to the shop then testing it to see the great success it brings in the field.
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